Mark and Marty Forbes have been growing and supplying wholesale lucerne hay from our Clarkes Hill farm for the past 25 years. We supply lucerne to everyone from thoroughbred trainers to dairy farmers throughout Victoria.

Our lucerne hay is available in small and large square bales, and also available in new compact bales.

Contact Us for more information on anything related to our lucerne.

Lucerne Hay Compact Bale

New Compact Lucerne Bales

Introducing our new compact lucerne bales!

  • These compact bales are made for export, and contain only the highest quality lucerne, with protein levels above 20%, and metabolic energy levels around 10 MJ/kg. A Feedtest for our compact bales is available here.
  • A compact bale weighs about the same as a conventional small square bale.
  • Compact bales are about 1/3 the size of a conventional small square bale, and are much easier to handle and store.
  • Compact bales feed out into 10 biscuits each, exactly like a normal bale.
  • Because compact bales are compressed, animals can’t separate the stalk from the leaves, and so they leave less waste than conventional bales.
  • All compact bales have been x-rayed for QA, and contain no foreign materials.
  • Best of all, compact bales are cheaper than normal bales since they’re so easy to handle and transport.

Compact lucerne hay bales are now $13 + GST per bale.

Please Contact Us for enquiries, or see the Deliveries page for delivery info.

Conventional Small Square Bales

Our small square bales come in a range of qualities, from top quality lucerne used by several local thoroughbred trainers, to garden mulch, or anything in between.

Our best quality lucerne is currently $15 + GST in conventional bales.

We also have some 2012 season lucerne for $13 + GST. This lucerne has lost some of its colour because it’s 18 months old, but has been shedded, and still makes good horse feed.

Please Contact Us for enquiries, or see the Deliveries page for delivery info.

lucerne hay bale

Lucerne Hay Large Bales

Big Square Bales

Big square bales are 8’x4’x3′, and weigh about 600kg each.

Feed tests are available for our large bales on request.

Big square bales of lucerne are currently $300 per bale + GST.

Please Contact Us for enquiries, or see the Deliveries page for delivery info.